

A complete solution
for distance and face-to-face training.
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No Limits

The FAD allows you to overcome the limits of space and time. It is possible to train by connecting to the Internet, from anywhere and at any time.

Path customization

Distance learning is more effective, customizable and does not necessarily represent a limit to learning. Online lessons are increasingly similar to face-to-face lessons thanks to the use of live chat, walls and whiteboards, polls and educational material that can always be consulted on online platforms.

Availability of Contents

The lessons delivered remotely can be recorded and saved on your device (smartphone, computer, tablet) and, for this reason, they can be used at any time even in the days following the lesson.

Help for Teaching in Presence

The e-learning tools also become an important support for face-to-face teaching, providing tools for assessment, exercises and collaboration.

Multimedia Learning

Fad improves learning processes as it uses interactive and multimedia tools.

Cost reduction

Distance learning allows you to reduce costs for students and companies.


Public administration




e-Learning cloud platform

Accredited on AgID

The e.RATIO eCP service allows full access to an LMS - Learning Management System - without managing IT infrastructure, applications, software updates or application support. It is an integrated system for distance learning, used in professional and school training processes at various levels. It is a complete and adaptable solution and lends itself effectively to satisfying the needs of both synchronous and asynchronous distance learning and also allows the implementation of customized study paths.

© 2021 e.RATIO. Iscritta al registro aziende della Camera di Commercio di Bari con numero REA BA-507538 | P.IVA: 06755470728 | Capitale sociale: € 12.000,00 i.v.